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Chapter-02 Political Science
Foreign Policy of India
I. Answer in a sentence :
I. What is meant by disarmament?
A Eliminating all or specific arms and ammunition gradually.
II. Answer in 5/6 sentence :
1. Why is India champiming the cause of disarmament as very important for the present day world?
A. * Disarmament means elminating all or spcific arms and ammunitions gradually.
• There is heavy competition in manufacturing,
marketing and stocking these arms and
• There is fear among many nations that third world was may take place.
• There is every possibility that knowingly or unintentionally by wrong notions, nations may use nuclear weapons.
2. Why is India against colonialism?
A. * Colonialism means the occupation of one nation by another and using the former for the selfish purpose of the later.
• Colonialism exploits a nation politically and economically.
• It hinders the religious and social aspirations of a country.
• India was a colony to Europe so india is against colonialism.
3. What is meant by non alignment? Why india is adopting non alignment policy?
A. Not joining any of the powerful blocks and remaining neutral is non alignment.
* After the II world wear entire world was divided into two blocks under leadership of America & Russia.
* To control global issues like fear, threaten & amenity.
* To avoid third world war
* To balance justice & injustice.
1. What are the objectives of the foreign policy of India?
• National Security.
• National economic progress
• Spreading Indian cultural values in abroad
• Increasing the number of friendly nations.
• Achieving World Peace and enable every nation to co exists.
2. What are the principles of Punchasheela?
• Mutual respect for National integrity and sovereignty.
• Non aggression.
• Non interference in internal affairs.
• Mutual assistance and equality.
• Peaceful co existence.
3. Why is India championing the cause of Disarmament as very important for the present day world? Explain
• As peace loving nation India champions the cause of qualitative disarmament.
• Right from the time of prime Minister Nehru, India argued for disarmament to maintain peaceful co operation.
• At the same time it agrees that total disarmament cannot be achieved because every nation requires her own defense forces for its safety and security.
• Still India upholds the policy of world peace and mutual co existence.
4. How is a positive foreign policy helpful for national progress?
• To have a cordial and beneficial relationship
• A person may live in isolation but it is impossible for any nation to exist without a positive policy.
• Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru has said that, whatever may be the policy the art of conducting foreign affair lies in finding the most useful to a nation.
• We can talk and think about the well being of the world.
5. India follows the Non Alignment. Discuss.
• After 11 World wars the entire World was divided into two blocks.
• India did not j oin any group.
• The new independent policy of welcoming or rejection of any matter on the basis of the merit of every global issue.
6. Explain the racial discrimination of South Africa.
• Racial discrimination means ill treating of one race by another race as unequal.
• This racial discrimination is in human and against human rights.
• It adversely affects world peace and peaceful co existence. The minority white people controlled the African majority in South Africa. This has been opposed by Nelson Mandela, who was called as African Gandhi and his African National Congress.
1. What is meant by Foreign policy?
A: The policy adopted by a nation while dealing with other na tions is called foreign policy.
2. What is meant by a soverign country?
A: A sovereign country is one which has both internal & exter nal relationship.
3. Who has designed India’s foreign policy?
A: Jawaharlal Nehru.
4. Who became famous as African Gandhi?
A: Nelson Mandela.
1. What are the objectives of the foreign policy of India?
A: national security.
• National economic progress
• spreading Indian cultural values in abroad
• increasing the number of friendly relations.
• achieving world peace and enable every nation to coexist.
2. What is menat by panchasheel principles? What are the principles of panchasheel?
A: Chowenlai prime minister of china and Jawraharla Nehru, Prime minister of India agreed adopt five principles in June 1954.
Those five principles are:
1. Mutual respect for national integrity and sovereignty.
2. Non aggression.
3. Noninterference in internal affairs.
4. Mutual assistance and equalilty.
5. Peaceful coexistence.