World Problems and India’s Role-10th Social Science Notes and Question Bank

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Chapter - 04 Geography

World Problems and India’s Role

I. Answer in a sentence:

1. What is terrorism?
A. Terrorism means the systematic use of terror as a means of coercion.

2. What is Racism (Apartheid)?
A. It is a policy of discrimination based on race between white people & black people.
I. Answer in 2/3 sentence :
1. Explain india’s role in favour of human rights?
A. *Provision for fundamental rights in the constitutions.
*Even through UNO & other international forums India urges for the protection of human rights.
* India is against genocide, all sorts of exploitations & oppression.
* Evils like slave trade, traffic in human beings, child labours and exploitation of women are prohibited.

2. Which were the agreements made in world to reduce the armament saw?
A. Since 1963 the USA and USSR had entered into a number of bilateral agreements
* Strategic Arms limitation treaty (SALT)
* Partial Test ban treaty
* The comprehensions test ban treaty (CTBT)
* The non proliferation treaty

3. What are the characteristic features of economically backward countries?
A * These countries have got independence & are economically & socially back ward
* They are back ward in technology & science
* Standard of living of the people is low.
* They are backward in education field and agricultural sector.
* National income and percapita income is low.

4. What are the factors launched by India to over come world economic inequality?
A. She advocated for the economic assistance to the needy countries, eradication of colonialism and imperialism.

5. What are the functions of general Assembly?
A. * Approval of annual budget
* Emergency meetings of the Assembly may be summoned to discuss urgent issues
* A prominent sole in almost all global issues.

6. Explain the achievements of UNO?
A * Peace keeping operations:
* The disputes like Suez Canal, Iran, Indonesia, Greece, Kashmir, Palestine, Korea.
* Disarmament.
II. Economic and financial achievement.

* General agreement on Tariffs & Trade.
* The United Nations development programme.
* IBRD and IMF of UN are providing financial assistance.
III. Social achievements:
* The universal delegation of human right in the year 1948
* Eradication of racial discrimination by rich nations
* Rich nations should protect the pride of poor countries
* There should be economic justice and equality among all nations.

7. List out the objectives of common wealth of nations?
A. * Upholding of democracy, liberties.
* Assisting to eradicate poverty
* World peace promotion
* Promotion of sports, science & cultures.

8. What are the activities of Economic & social council?
A. * Refugees problem.
* Solution to housing problem.
* It makes recommendations for the
observance of human rights & fundamental
* It can convene international conference pertaining to human resources, culture, education etc.,
* The council co-ordinates the work of
specialized agencies.

II. Answer in 5 or 6 sentence:

1. Terrorism is a anti social activity How?
A. • It destroys life and property of common people.
• It aims at civilians, armed personnel.
• Road, transport, railways, airports etc.. are destroyed.

2. “Arms race will lead to world destruction” justify this statement?
A. • Armaments leads to evils like global level fear, insecurity, tension & even to war.
• The question of arms control as well as disarmament has become all the more prominent with the advent of nuclear era.
• At any time world can face war.
• It leads to destruction of mankind.

3. Write about Racism (Apartheid)?
A. • Black people were looked down upon by the white people.
• Black people were denied of Franchise.
• Black people were sold as slaves.
• Struggle led by Nelson mandela and black people racism came to an end.

1. Explain Indian role in favour of Human Right?
• India has always championed the cause of Universal Human Rights.
• She has provided for fundamental rights in the Constitution itself and thereby played a vital role in throwing lights on this issue.
• Even through UNO and other International forums India urges for the protection of human rights.
• Evils like slave trade, traffic in human beings, child labour and exploitation of women are prohibited by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
• Right to life and liberty, to security, right to equality, freedom of religion, cultural and educational rights etc. are constitutionally sanctioned in almost all the democratic nation.

2. What are the main problems faced after 2nd World War?
• The world after the world wars has come under the clutches of various problems like that of human rights, armament race, economic inequality, racism and terrorism.

3. Arms race will lead to world destruction. Explain the effects of arms competition in this background.
• Armament race seems to be the most dangerous symptom of the present day world.
• Armament race leads to evils like global level fear, insecurity, and tension and even to war.
• In order to overcome all theses evils disarmament has been placed before the world as the need of present day world.

4. What are the features of economic
backwardness of nations? What are the reasons for this?
• The economically backward countries lack
sufficient capital to develop agriculture, industry, transport and communication, science education, health, technology, medical facilities,etc.

5. What are the reforms to have economics equality in India?
• She advocated for the economic assistance to the needy countries by rich nations without any tag.
• India stood for the smooth flow of capital
investment by affluent.
• India is a pioneer country to oppose neo
imperialism of America and other countries who could exploit the situation of poor nations.

6. ‘Racial discrimination is ^great humanism ‘Justify.
• Europeans who travelled across the world after Renaissance through the newly discovered sea routes established their colonies.
• They started building vast empires on the eastern and western parts of the globe.
• The races mainly brown, black and even yellow hailing from African, Asian and American countries were looked down upon by the white race.
• However this racism policy persisted for a long time in the world in spite of many reforms.

7. What are the effects of terrorism?
• Terrorism causes negative impacts on civilized society and government.
• Terrorism is a political tactic which creates fear complexities and glorifies the ideology of the Terrorist Organizations.
* Such acts of organized violence are fully unlawful and antisocial in nature.
* Such acts are based on religious, political or ideological goal causing heavy psychological impact.

8. What are the main landmarks on the path of Human Rights in the modern history?
* American war of independence in 1776
* The French Revolution in 1789
* In 1917 the struggle for independence in India and many countries during the first half of 20th century.

9. Give few instances of disarmament and arms control.
* Since 1963, the USA and USSR had entered into a number of bilateral agreements with regard to disarmament and arm control.
* Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty, Partial Test Ban Treaty, The Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, The Non -Proliferation Treaty are some of the landmarks to check the nuclear arms race.

10.Mention the great personalities who championed the cause of racial equality?
* Great personalities like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela championed the cause of racial equality.
I. Answer in a sentence:
1. When did UNO made a declaration on human rights?
A:In December 10th 1948.
2. Who fought against social discrimination in Africa?
A: Nelson Mandela.
11.Answer in 2/3 sentence.
1. What were the main problems faced after second world war?
A: * deminal of human rights
* arnament race
* economic inequallity.
* racism
* terrorism.
2. Name the world leaders who fought against racism?
A: * Mahatma Gandhiji
* Abraham Lincoln.
* Nelson Mandela.
* Martin luther king
* John F. Kennedy.
3. Which were the landmark that have upheld the struggle for human rights.
A: * American war of independence in 1776.
* The French revolution of 1789.
* Russian revolution in 1917.
* the struggle for independence in India & of many other countries during the first half of 20th century