FOOD TRIVIA: Holes in Crackers

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The holes in crackers are not there for decoration but to help in the baking process. Crackers are made from dough rolled in sheets. The holes are placed, according to the size and shape of the cracker, with the numbers and position of the holes being of  importance to the final product. Holes too close together will make the cracker hard and dry due to too much steam escaping in the baking process: too far apart and little bubbles form on parts of the cracker's surface during baking, an undesirable effect in most crackers.

Holes in Crackers? "Crackers are for crackers." You hear this all the time, and it seems logical. All that matters is how big a hole you can make with your fingers or some other tool as long at each stage of smoking them up! That isn't necessarily true; there may be specific reasons why people choose to smoke cracker holes instead: "The smaller I get my hands on those things...the better they taste!" For instance (and here's where we'll start getting into weird questions about human psychology), when someone asked me if he should use cigar lighters while cooking their meal because then his dinner would also look like a  

Holes in Crackers It's a pretty good thing the crust doesn't get too much crunch. The only way to do it is to use more oil and crackers, so I added about 4 tablespoons of each (the higher fat brands are better). Add your crumbs then add some salt/pepper powder. Turn out on an inverted baking sheet for 15 minutes or until golden brown.

 Java is now on the spotlight for providing a patch (meant to fix the bugs) that has its own vulnerabilities. Being one of the most exploited programs, security specialists are agreeing that it is too much of a risk than a benefit and that most of the users do not really need Java anyway. Because browsers and operating systems themselves are getting difficult to penetrate, crackers are getting creative in their schemes and will focus their attention on the weak links of the chain, which are the end-users and the third-party add-ons of browsers. On the case of the latter, Java appears to be one of the most utilized vehicle for fly-by attacks that can be done through tools that are easily acquired online. Although Oracle (and Sun) has regularly released updates and patches to address issues on Java, it’s not a certainty that their end-users really update installations on devices and computer units where the program is installed. Unfortunately, many web services and programs rely on Java to work so you will have to do a workaround for them. It is suggested that you install Java on a virtual machine instead to keep it away from your actual system. Java does not come bundled with major operating systems today. Letting the old versions of any web-connected program up and running in your computer is a very risky thing. You don’t necessarily have to uninstall Java in order to disable it. Just tweak the settings or options in your web browser and disable Java from there. A word of warning though: be careful not to confuse Java with JavaScript as these two are two very different things. Disabling the JavaScript will cripple many websites, plus, it won’t have any effect on the separate Java program. It doesn’t really translate as a widespread disaster for Java is not as popular on websites as before; a typical web surfer rarely encounters it. So all you have to consider, really, is if you need it that badly and if the benefit you will get from it could outweigh the risks that come with it.